
查看11 | 回复2 | 2010-6-17 15:39:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MY NAME IS MRS. LYDIA SHERMAN, widow to late MR. RAPHAEL SHERMAN, former owner of PETROLEUM AND GAS Company, here in Nigeria. I am Sixty-eight years old, suffering from long time cancer of the breast. From all indications my condition is really deteriorating and it's quite obvious that I won't live more than Two months according to my doctors. This is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage. I don't want your pity but I need your trust.
My late husband died early last year from heart attack, and during he period of our marriage we couldn't produce any child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth. The doctor has advised me that I will not live for more than Two months, so I have now decided to spread all my wealth, to contribute mainly to the development of charity in Africa, America, Asia and Europe.
I am sorry if you are embarrassed by my mail. I found your e-mail address in the web directory, and I have decided to contact you, but if for any reason you find this mail offensive, you can ignore it and please accept my apology.
Before my late husband died he was a major oil tycoon, in Nigeria and deposited the sum of Thirty-Four million United States Dollars Only (US$34,000,000..00) Here in Africa a company insome years ago, that's all I have left now, I need you to collect this fund and distribute it yourself to charity, so that when I die my soul can rest in peace.
The funds will be entirely in your hands and management. If you are interested in this offer forward your contact information and also your telephone number, company name so that i will tell you the next step to get this fund to your care.
I hope God gives you the wisdom to touch very many lives, which is my main concern. Twenty percent (20%) of this money will be for your time and effort, while eighty percent (80%) goes to charity. Dearest, direct all your reply via this email [email protected]
God bless you.
莫名奇妙收到这邮件 很多单词不认识的 是不就说他得了什么癌症让我帮他把钱捐到哪


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